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HomeMoney MakingHow to Change Jobs in 5 Steps & Tips to Avoid Regrets

How to Change Jobs in 5 Steps & Tips to Avoid Regrets

Thinking of changing jobs? First, make sure your reasons are solid. It’s easy to feel frustrated temporarily and think the grass is greener elsewhere. But, not all that glitters in job interviews is gold, and sometimes, sticking with what you know is better than jumping into the unknown. Be careful not to let your first impressions or wishful thinking cloud your judgment. Really dig into what life is like at the new place by asking about how happy people are there, chances to move up, what’s expected of you, the company’s vibe, how often people leave, and what success looks like to them. It’s important to be honest with yourself, even if it means facing some tough truths. This way, you’ll make a choice that’s truly right for you.