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78% of employees may quit their jobs due to high stress

10 Mental health care is now a necessity in the hectic work world of today, not a luxury. The worrying status of mental health...

The Daily Beast’s Hiring a Full-time Lauren Sánchez Reporter

Lauren Sánchez has found herself in the public eye, thanks to her high-profile engagement to Amazon founder...

5 things employers can do to better their office environment [no budget needed!]

There are undeniable benefits to giving employees the flexibility to work remotely, but employers know that there is value to be had working...

A Lifechanging Course Launch through the Power of Community

Meet Steve Huynh, a YouTuber, Principal Engineer, and self-proclaimed “productivity junkie.” In 2023, Steve combined all three specialties to engineer his first-ever course...

17 Best Online Business Ideas to Start Now (no money required)

1. Choose a business idea or industry that matches your interests and abilities. 2. Find a business niche that capitalizes on unmet needs in...

What makes employees stay with the same company for years?

9 A recent poll conducted by offers valuable insights into the reasons behind the decision of many professionals to stay with...

How to Align Business and Customer Interests for Long-Term Success

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. It may be hard...

How to get the most out of your hybrid meetings

The workplace has transformed dramatically over the last few years. As more employees juggle remote and in-person work, hybrid meetings must be inclusive,...

How to Design Your First Branded Business Website

If you’re of a certain age—let’s say 35 or older — you probably remember the awe and immersion you felt the first time...

How to Become a YouTuber and Make Money in 15 Failproof Steps

If you’re only relying on YouTube’s algorithm to get your videos seen, you’re playing a losing game. You need to be proactive. Promoting...

10 essential factors for boosting employee retention

110 Keeping employees happy and productive is essential to the success of the office. It’s important to create an atmosphere where employees...

Look Sharp with This Gillette Body Razor Set for $15

Disclosure: Our goal is to feature products and services that we think you'll...

